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Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

TIP & The Roanoke-Alleghany Region's Future

The Roanoke Valley Transportation PlanningOrganization (TPO) is recognized as the official transportation planning agency for Roanoke, VA urban region as required by federal law. In order for the region to to receive federal funds for use on highway, transit, non-motorized, and multimodal systems, the TPO is required to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a four-year financial program that describes the schedule for obligating federal funds to state and local projects. The TIP contains federal funding information for all modes of transportation including highways, transit and pedestrian facilities. Additionally, the TIP also reflects projects and priorities identified in the Long Range Transportation Plan. The TPO works closely with the Virginia Departments of Transportation and Rail & Public Transportation, as well as local transit operators, to update and amend the TIP each year as funding conditions change. Finally, the RVTPO publishes an annual listing of TIP projects for which have federal funds have been obligated (or committed).

More information is available about specific funding programs

RVTPO Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program
RVTPO Transportation Alternatives (TA) program