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Federal Carbon Reduction Program

Green Roads Ahead: The CRP Initiative

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law sets up the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) to address carbon dioxide emissions from road vehicles like cars and buses. The RVTPO is eligible through its status as a Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) with a Transportation Management Area (TMA) status within Virginia.

The Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization (RVTPO) is a federally mandated transportation policy board comprised of representatives from local, state, and federal governments, transit agencies, and other stakeholders and is responsible for transportation planning and programming for the Roanoke Valley Urbanized Area. This area is comprised of the Cities of Roanoke and Salem; the Town of Vinton and portions of the Counties of Bedford, Botetourt, and Roanoke.

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO), like the RVTPO, are responsible for selecting projects for CRP funding.

The Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) Purpose

The purpose of the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) is to reduce transportation emissions through the development of State carbon reduction strategies and by funding projects designed to reduce transportation emissions.

  • Incorporated into federal Law through the IIJA.
  • Development of a state Carbon Reduction Strategy is required by 11/15/2023.
  • MPOs encouraged to obligate CRP funding towards projects that help implement Virginia’s Carbon Reduction Strategy.
  • RVTPO staff will develop a Carbon Reduction Strategy, to be incorporated in the Roanoke Valley Transportation Plan at a future date.

Project updates start on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, and close on Thursday, October 31st, at 5pm.
