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Transportation Alternatives


Funding Program: Transportation Alternatives Block Grant Set-Aside (TA)

Program Background and History

Transportation Alternatives (TA) was authorized in the most recent federal transportation bill – Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act or “FAST Act”. Transportation Alternatives replaces Transportation Alternatives Program which consolidated the former Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program, Safe Routes to School, and Recreational Trails program.

  • On and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
  • Infrastructure for improving non-motorized access to public transportation Recreational trails.
  • Traffic calming.
  • Projects to achieve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities.

A complete list of the types of eligible projects that may be funded with TA can be found here:

FAST Act identifies four (4) categories of eligibilities for the Transportation Alternatives:

  • Transportation Alternatives
  • Safe Routes to School
  • Recreational Trails
  • Boulevards in former Interstate System Routes

In Virginia, Transportation Alternatives, administered by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), focuses on Transportation Alternatives and Safe Routes to School. To be considered for this funding, a project must relate to surface transportation and qualify under one or more of the TA or Safe Routes to School activities.

Mission of the Transportation Alternatives

The program is intended to help local sponsors fund community based projects that expand travel choices and enhance the transportation experience by improving the cultural, historical and environmental aspects of the transportation infrastructure. The program does not fund traditional roadway projects or provide maintenance for these facilities. Instead it focuses on providing for pedestrian and bicycle facilities, community improvements and mitigating the negative impacts of the highway system. TA is part of the Federal-aid Highway program. It is not a grant program and funds are only available on a reimbursement basis. This means the project sponsor must first incur project expenses and then request reimbursement.

Program Structure and Funding

Each State’s Transportation Alternatives funding includes: the ten (10) Transportation Alternatives (TA) eligibilities; the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) eligibilities; the “Boulevard” eligibilities; and the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). FAST-Act outlines how these funds are to be distributed. First, a sub-apportionment for the Recreational Trails Program is taken off the top of the State’s total TA funding allocation. Of the remaining balance, 50% can be allocated anywhere in the state, but the other 50% must be allocated based on population as set forth in the federal legislation. The divisions for the population-based sub-allocations are:

  • Urbanized areas of the State with a population over 200,000 – also known as a Transportation Management Area (TMA)
  • Areas of the State with a population less than 200,000 but greater than 5,000
  • Areas of the State with a population less than 5,000

The Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organisation was designated a TMA in 2012. Each MPO is involved in the solicitation and recommendation of TA applications to the Commonwealth Transportation Board.

TA Project Applications and Awards

On June, 27, 2024, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the out-of-cycle requests following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
Town of VintonGlade Creek Greenway Phase 2B$78,893$78,893$78,893
Roanoke CountyGlade Creek Greenway Vinyard Park West$248,022$248,022$248,022

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board Salem District Member project selections.

TA Project Applications and Awards

On February 22, 2024, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the out-of-cycle requests following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
Locality Match (20%)Total Allocation
City of RoanokeWestside/Salem Turnpike CGS$909,224$909,224$227,306$1,136,530

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board Salem District Member project selections.

**Westside/Salem Turnpike CGS project funds request increased since September 2023 request due to large balance entry available. This is an updated request and incorporates the funds from September 2023.

TA Project Applications and Awards

On January 29, 2024, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the out-of-cycle requests following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
Town of VintonGlade Creek Greenway Phase 2B$180,000$180,000$180,000

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board Salem District Member project selections.

TA Project Applications and Awards

On September 28, 2023, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
Roanoke CountyGlade Creek Greenway Vinyard Park East$800,000
City of RoanokeWestside/Salem Turnpike CGS$500,000$500,000$500,000

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board Salem District Member project selections.

**Glade Creek Greenway Vinyard Park East was screened out in the TA process.

TA Project Applications and Awards

On June, 23, 2022, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
Town of VintonGlade Creek Greenway Phase 2B$92,991$92,991$92,991
Roanoke CountyRoanoke River Greenway, Parkway Crossing$70,114$70,114$70,114

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board Salem District Member project selections.

TA Project Applications and Awards

On February 24, 2022, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
City of RoanokeWilliamson Road Pedestrian Improvements$460,000$460,000$0$460,000
Roanoke CountyGlade Creek Greenway Vinyard Park West$521,000$255,036$266,064$521,100

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board Salem District Member project selections.

On February 27, 2020, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
City of Roanoke9th Street Multimodal Improvements$500,000$241,036$258,964$500,000
Roanoke CountyRoanoke River Greenway, Parkway Crossing$200,000$100,000$100,000$200,000
Town of VintonGlade Creek Greenway, Phase 2B$380,800$200,000$180,800$380,800

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board Salem District Member project selections.

On March 22, 2018, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
City of RoanokeTinker Creek Greenway Trail – Wise Avenue to Mason Mill Park and Deschutes Brewery$484,413$160,969$323,444$484,413
Roanoke CountyRoanoke River Greenway – Blue Ridge Parkway Crossing along Highland Road$366,606$366,606$0$366,606

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board Salem District Member project selections.

On March 23, 2017, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
City of RoanokeDowntown Salem Streetscape and Intersection Improvements$240,000$131,906.50$108,093.50$240,000
Roanoke CountyWilliamson Road Pedestrian Improvements$217,424$131,906.50$85,517.50$217,424

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board District and At-Large Member project selections.

On April 28, 2016, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
City of RoanokeColonial Avenue Boulevard Improvements$458,814$282,603$176,211$458,814
City of SalemDowntown Salem Streetscape and Intersection Improvements$480,000$0$240,000$240,000
Town of VintonGlade Creek Greenway$417,710$0$417,710$417,710

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board District and At-Large Member project selections.

The Salem District CTB member provided 50% of Salem’s project request, and fully funded Vinton’s.

On March 26, 2015, the RVTPO Policy Board endorsed and funded the following projects and amounts:

ApplicantProjectTA Funds RequestedTA Funds Awarded
TA Funds Awarded
by CTB Members*
Total Allocation
City of RoanokeVirginian Railway Passenger Station Phase II: Building Restoration$246,000$123,000$123,000$246,000
Botetourt CountyDaleville Greenway$476,000$126,042$349,958$476,000

*Denotes Commonwealth Transportation Board District and At-Large Member project selections.