The Roanoke Valley Transportation Plan, developed by RVARC, is a comprehensive long-range strategy and capital improvement program. This plan, updated every five years, guides the effective investment of public funds in multimodal transportation facilities, including highways, transit, non-motorized, and multimodal systems. The development process involves collaboration with various stakeholders, encompassing a vision, goals, objectives, and performance measures, ensuring a performance-based planning and programming process. This plan is crucial for the region’s receipt of federal funds and for aligning with projected changes in federal, state, and local funding, as well as evolving transportation priorities.
Roanoke Valley Transportation Plan
Transportation Blueprint
The following links contain the elements of the Roanoke Valley Transportation Plan (RVTP). The RVTPO Policy Board approved the RVTP on January 26, 2023.
Roanoke Valley Transportation Plan
Interactive Executive Summary
Interactive Map
Financial Plan
Transportation Improvement Program
Funded Projects
Priority Projects to Pursue
Regional Transportation Priority Needs
Future Factors
System Performance Report
Acronyms and Definitions
Amendments/Adjustments Summary
Process to Develop the Roanoke Valley Transportation Plan Key Components and Ongoing Developmental RVTP Work
Over the course of 2+ years, RVTPO staff, consultants, and staff from member organisations worked together on many pieces of the planning process to generate the Roanoke Valley Transportation Plan. The links below provide details of the process that resulted in the adopted RVTP provided above.