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Who We Are

About The Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission

Since its inception in 1969, the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission has been a key driver in shaping Virginia’s regional landscape. Composed of elected representatives and local citizens, our team addresses crucial issues facing the region. Our primary areas of focus are enhancing transportation networks, bolstering economic progress, and ensuring environmental sustainability. Through teamwork and innovative strategies, we are dedicated to promoting enduring growth and the welfare of our communities. Be a part of our journey towards creating a robust and flourishing region.

Staff & Directory

Meet our dedicated team of professionals, comprising experts in regional
planning, economic development, and community engagement. Our staff’s
diverse expertise drives our mission to create sustainable, thriving
communities in the region.


RVRAC Commission Board

Our Commission Board, consisting of local elected officials and citizen representatives, oversees strategic regional initiatives and policies. They play a crucial role in guiding our direction and ensuring community-focused outcomes.

RVTPO Policy Board

The RVTPO Policy Board shapes transportation planning, prioritizing sustainable and efficient transit solutions. Composed of local leaders, it’s integral to our mission of enhancing regional connectivity and mobility


RVARC Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, with key leaders and decision-makers, steers our strategic vision. They ensure that our initiatives align with regional priorities and effectively address the community’s pressing needs.

Transportation Technical Committee

Focused on transportation challenges, this committee brings together experts to develop innovative solutions for regional transit issues, ensuring a seamless and sustainable transportation network for our communities.

The Roanoke Valley Collective Response Advisory Committee (CAC)

This committee addresses critical regional issues, fostering a collective approach to problem-solving and strategic planning. Its insights and recommendations are vital to our comprehensive regional development.


Explore career and internship opportunities with us. Join our team and contribute to impactful regional development and community planning.


Our procurement process ensures efficient procurement of services and goods, which is crucial for our various regional development projects. Procurement actions by the RVARC are executed in accordance with the Code of Virginia, Commonwealth of Virginia Agency Procurement.

Work Program

Our work program outlines key initiatives and projects, reflecting our commitment to regional growth and sustainable development