The region’s first ever Congestion Management Process (CMP) Plan was approved by the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVAMPO) on January 23, 2014. The CMP Plan is a new federal requirement for the RVAMPO, due to the fact that we became a Transportation Management Area (TMA) status MPO. This new TMA status is a result going over 200,000 in population within the urbanized area according to US Census Bureau definitions.
The Regional Commission and its staff viewed this new requirement as an opportunity to get ahead of future traffic congestion and to discuss multi-modal strategies to address current and future congestion. We feel that we broke new ground with our first ever CMP, compared to examples from similar sized regions that were already TMA status MPOs. Our first CMP is truly multi-modal in nature and incorporates strategies directly from local comprehensive plans, regional corridor, greenway and bicycle plans so that the strategies and suggestions from these plans can live on in our region’s first CMP. In addition, we developed a new way of internal collaborative document development where more than one staff member can work on a plan simultaneously. This allowed us to be both efficient and effective within our limited time and budget constraints. We feel that we developed a much better plan than would have been the case if we would have approached the process in a traditional manner.
You can download the CMP here. (warning large file size 19.2Mb)