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I am a book on CD fan.  I mainly listen to business, leadership or other “nerdy” books.  In several leadership and self-improvement titles the concept of “beginning with the end in mind” is wholeheartedly advocated.  To give credit where it is due, this concept is especially prevalent in the late Stephen Covey’s work.

Let’s try a version of “beginning with the end in mind” with regards to the next regional long-range transportation plan (LRTP 2040), which will be completed in the summer of 2015.  In planning “beginning with the end in mind” does not mean deciding plan recommendations ahead of time. Plan recommendations are developed throughout the process with public and stakeholder involvement.  However, “beginning with the end in mind” can mean thinking through the structure and form of the final end product – the plan itself.  In that spirit, below is a screenshot of the draft table of contents for the plan.  Please comment with your own feedback and suggestions in the comment boxes below.

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