The Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization (RVTPO), with assistance from the Regional Bicycle Advisory Committee, is participating in the 2015 National Bicycle & Pedestrian Documentation (NBPD) Project. Volunteers are needed to conduct manual counts of bicyclists and pedestrians at locations throughout the RVTPO study area during specified time(s).
2015 NBPD Project Volunteer Sign Up Form
Official 2015 NBPD counts will be conducted at each location on one (1) weekday and one (1) weekend day as follows:
Thursday, September 17, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (rain date if needed: Thursday, September 24, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)
Saturday, September 19, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm (rain date if needed: Sunday, September 20,12:00 pm – 2:00 pm )
Each count period is 2 hours in duration, plus additional time to set up prior to conducting count (5 minutes or so). Volunteers will receive NBPD Project training and all requisite data collection materials (instructions, data collection sheets, pens, safety vest, etc.) prior to count date(s). Upon completion of the Volunteer Sign Up Form, the count manager will contact you, via email, to confirm your participation and provide training and related information. Volunteer Counters will be assigned a count location once confirmed.
The NBPD Project, co-sponsored by Alta Planning and Design and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Pedestrian and Bicycle Council, is a nationwide effort to provide a consistent model of bicycle and pedestrian data collection for use by planners, governments, and bicycle and pedestrian professionals. 2012 was the initial year of RVTPO participation in the annual NBPD and will serve as the baseline data year for future NBPD comparisons. Additional information:
Glad to help dood. Please call me. B.
Thanks for the offer to help. Please complete the volunteer sign up form available at the following link and I will contact you.