These amendments and associated public engagement are being made for the following reasons:
Item to be Amended | RVTP | TIP |
1. Add current Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) and CRP candidate projects to the Priority Projects to Pursue list. | X | |
2. Add Transportation Alternatives candidate projects to the Priority Projects to Pursue list. | X | |
3. Add a new rail project from Virginia Public Rail Authority to the Funded Projects list. | X | X |
4. Add new projects from the FY 23-29 Six-Year Improvement Program to the funded projects list. | X | |
5. Move all funded Round 5 SMART SCALE projects from the Priority Projects to Pursue list to the Funded Projects list. | X | |
6. Move all transit projects funded in the FFY2024-2027 TIP from the Priority Projects to Pursue list to the Funded Projects list. | X | |
7. Remove the RADAR Paratransit Vehicles project from the Priority Projects to Pursue and Funded Projects list as it was not funded in the FY24-29 Six-Year Improvement Program. | X | X |
The tables below describe the amendment in greater detail.
1. New STBG and CRP Priority Projects to Pursue
Locality | Project Name/Description |
Roanoke County, City of Roanoke | Route 419/Electric Road Safety and Streetscape Improvements, Grandin Road Extension to Keagy Road |
Roanoke County | Peters Creek Road at Williamson Road Intersection Improvements |
City of Salem | Roanoke River Greenway – Apperson to Cook Connector |
Town of Vinton | Vinyard Road Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project (PE Phase) |
Roanoke County | Route 11/460/West Main Street at Dow Hollow Road Intersection Safety Improvements |
2. New Transportation Alternatives Priority Projects to Pursue
Locality | Project Name/Description |
Roanoke County | Glade Creek Greenway – Vinyard Park East |
City of Roanoke | Westside/Salem Turnpike CGS |
3. New Rail Project/New Ungrouped Project – Virginia State-Supported Amtrak Operations
The FFY 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) was adopted by the RVTPO Policy Board on April 27th, 2023. Since that time, there have been a variety of projects which have received funding; and there have been several candidate projects which have been submitted for funding.
This amendment, and the associated public engagement, is being made to amend the TIP to add a new rail project from Virginia Public Rail Authority to the Funded Projects list. The table below describes the amendment in greater detail.
*Total cost includes operating expenses from previous funding and estimated expenses through FY27 as these are operating expenses without an end date.
4. New FY23-29 Six-Year Improvement Program Funded Projects
UPC | Project Name/Description |
T27867 | #SMART24 – I-581/Us 460/Us 11 Improvements |
T27847 | #SMART24 – Rte. 419/Electric Rd Stoneybrook-Grandin Rd Ext |
T27840 | #SMART24 – Route 419/Electric Road Ped Signal Improvements |
T27836 | #SMART24 – Stars 460/Orange Ave – 11th To 24th Improvements |
T27834 | #SMART24 – Stars 460/Orange Ave – Plantation Rd Improvements |
122864 | Orange Ave Access Management Safety Project* |
123284 | #PIPELINE23 Rte. 460 Bus (10) |
T27875 | #SMART24 – Roundabout at Hardy Rd & Bypass Rd (Rte 24) |
123280 | #PIPELINE23 Rtes. 117&11 (06) |
122898 | Wiley Dr/Roanoke River Greenway Low Water Bridge |
123373 | FY24 Extended FYA Improvements |
121708 | #SGR23VP FY23 Plant Mix Roanoke & Craig Primaries |
123117 | #SGR23LP – Roanoke – Primary Extension Paving |
T23430 | FY23 HSIP Systemic Edgeline Rumble Strip Installation |
120858 | #ITTF22 Signal Communication Infrastructure – Districtwide |
122425 | FY23 Unsignalized Intersection – Flasher Installation |
122865 | Shoulder Widening, Rumble Strip Install & Guardrail Upgrade |
110957 | Rte. 615 Webb Road Hard Surface Non-Hard Surfaced Roadway |
T25441 | Route 693 (Franklin Street) Pavement Wedging And Overlay |
117235 | Rte. 759 Berganblick Hard Surface Non-Hardsurfaced Roadway |
T26583 | Improve Safety with Spot Widening and Drainage Improvements |
100188 | Countywide Engineering & Survey |
100295 | Countywide Fertilization & Seeding |
100133 | Countywide Traffic Services |
100349 | Countywide Right of Way Engr. |
122900 | Accessible Pedestrian Signals – City of Roanoke |
122901 | Intersection Safety Improvements – City of Roanoke |
122903 | Intersection Safety Improvements – City of Salem |
T28081 | #SGR24LB – 13th St Over NS Railway (Fed ID 21663) – Superstr Rep |
123118 | #SGR23LP – Roanoke – Primary Extension – ADA |
5. New SMART SCALE Round 5 Priority Projects Which are Now Funded
UPC | Project Name/Description |
T27840 | #SMART24 – Electric Road Pedestrian Signal Improvements |
T27847 | #SMART24 – Rte. 419/Electric Rd. Safety Improvements, Stoneybrook to Grandin Rd. Ext. |
T27875 | #SMART24 – Roundabout at Hardy Road & Bypass Road (Rte. 24) |
T27867 | #SMART24 – I-581/U.S. 460/U.S. 11 Improvements |
T27836 | #SMART24 – STARS 460/Orange Ave. – 11th to 24th Improvements |
T27834 | #SMART24 – STARS/ 460/Orange Ave. – Plantation Rd. Improvements |
6.New Transit Priority Projects Which are Now Funded
UPC | Project Name | Project Name/Description |
GRT0001 | Operating Assistance | Operating assistance for all Valley Metro fixed route, SmartWay, Express, Connector, and trolley services. |
GRT0002 | Preventative Maintenance | Maintenance to keep vehicles/equipment running smoothly. |
GRT0003 | Replacement Bus | Fixed-route buses and paratransit service vehicles utilized by RADAR under contract to Valley Metro. |
GRT0004 | Support Vehicles | These are vehicles used by supervisors, dispatch, maintenance, admin, etc. that support the service but don’t carry passengers. |
GRT0005 | Bus Stop Enhancements | Bus stop amenities may include trashcans, lights, benches, or shelters. The specific stops have not been identified. |
GRT0006 | Construction Maintenance Service Lot | A construction maintenance service lot designed for vehicles, equipment, and other maintenance related activities at Valley Metro. |
GRT0007 | ADP Hardware | Purchase of Automated Data Processing software of administrative purposes at Valley Metro. |
GRT0008 | Shop Equipment | Equipment used to maintain buses and non-bus support vehicles. |
GRT0009 | Electric Charging Infrastructure | Electric charging stations and equipment designed to accommodate future electric bus purchases. |
ROA0001 | Capital Assistance | Operating assistance for Via Transportation, Inc. under contract with Roanoke County to provide on-demand transit services for Roanoke County residents 70+ or of any age with a disability. |
7. Remove RADAR Paratransit Vehicles Project from Priority Projects to Pursue and Funded Projects List
UPC | Project Name | Project Description |
RAD0001 | Paratransit Vehicles | Capital assistance to support transportation for people with disabilities in the City of Roanoke, City of Salem, and the Town of Vinton beyond the 3/4-mile area around fixed routes to destinations within those localities. |
A 14-day public comment period began on Thursday, November 9th and will conclude Wednesday, November 22nd. A public hearing on this amendment has been advertised and scheduled for the RVTPO Policy Board meeting on December 14th.