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These amendments and associated public engagement are being made for the following reasons: 

Item to be Amended RVTP TIP
1. Add current Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) and CRP candidate projects to the Priority Projects to Pursue list. X
2.  Add Transportation Alternatives candidate projects to the Priority Projects to Pursue list. X
3. Add a new rail project from Virginia Public Rail Authority to the Funded Projects list. X X
4. Add new projects from the FY 23-29 Six-Year Improvement Program to the funded projects list. X
5. Move all funded Round 5 SMART SCALE projects from the Priority Projects to Pursue list to the Funded Projects list. X
6. Move all transit projects funded in the FFY2024-2027 TIP from the Priority Projects to Pursue list to the Funded Projects list. X
7. Remove the RADAR Paratransit Vehicles project from the Priority Projects to Pursue and Funded Projects list as it was not funded in the FY24-29 Six-Year Improvement Program. X X

The tables below describe the amendment in greater detail. 

1. New STBG and CRP Priority Projects to Pursue 

Locality  Project Name/Description 
Roanoke County, City of Roanoke  Route 419/Electric Road Safety and Streetscape Improvements, Grandin Road Extension to Keagy Road 
Roanoke County  Peters Creek Road at Williamson Road Intersection Improvements 
City of Salem  Roanoke River Greenway – Apperson to Cook Connector 
Town of Vinton  Vinyard Road Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project (PE Phase) 
Roanoke County Route 11/460/West Main Street at Dow Hollow Road Intersection Safety Improvements 

2. New Transportation Alternatives Priority Projects to Pursue 

Locality  Project Name/Description 
Roanoke County  Glade Creek Greenway – Vinyard Park East 
City of Roanoke  Westside/Salem Turnpike CGS 

3. New Rail Project/New Ungrouped Project – Virginia State-Supported Amtrak Operations 

The FFY 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) was adopted by the RVTPO Policy Board on April 27th, 2023. Since that time, there have been a variety of projects which have received funding; and there have been several candidate projects which have been submitted for funding. 

This amendment, and the associated public engagement, is being made to amend the TIP to add a new rail project from Virginia Public Rail Authority to the Funded Projects list. The table below describes the amendment in greater detail. 

*Total cost includes operating expenses from previous funding and estimated expenses through FY27 as these are operating expenses without an end date. 

4. New FY23-29 Six-Year Improvement Program Funded Projects 

UPC  Project Name/Description 
T27867  #SMART24 – I-581/Us 460/Us 11 Improvements 
T27847  #SMART24 – Rte. 419/Electric Rd Stoneybrook-Grandin Rd Ext 
T27840  #SMART24 – Route 419/Electric Road Ped Signal Improvements 
T27836  #SMART24 – Stars 460/Orange Ave – 11th To 24th Improvements 
T27834  #SMART24 – Stars 460/Orange Ave – Plantation Rd Improvements 
122864  Orange Ave Access Management Safety Project*
123284  #PIPELINE23 Rte. 460 Bus (10) 
T27875  #SMART24 – Roundabout at Hardy Rd & Bypass Rd (Rte 24) 
123280  #PIPELINE23 Rtes. 117&11 (06) 
122898  Wiley Dr/Roanoke River Greenway Low Water Bridge
123373  FY24 Extended FYA Improvements
121708  #SGR23VP FY23 Plant Mix Roanoke & Craig Primaries
123117  #SGR23LP – Roanoke – Primary Extension Paving 
T23430  FY23 HSIP Systemic Edgeline Rumble Strip Installation
120858  #ITTF22 Signal Communication Infrastructure – Districtwide 
122425  FY23 Unsignalized Intersection – Flasher Installation
122865  Shoulder Widening, Rumble Strip Install & Guardrail Upgrade
110957  Rte. 615 Webb Road Hard Surface Non-Hard Surfaced Roadway 
T25441  Route 693 (Franklin Street) Pavement Wedging And Overlay 
117235  Rte. 759 Berganblick Hard Surface Non-Hardsurfaced Roadway 
T26583  Improve Safety with Spot Widening and Drainage Improvements 
100188  Countywide Engineering & Survey 
100295  Countywide Fertilization & Seeding 
100133  Countywide Traffic Services 
100349  Countywide Right of Way Engr. 
122900  Accessible Pedestrian Signals – City of Roanoke
122901  Intersection Safety Improvements – City of Roanoke
122903  Intersection Safety Improvements – City of Salem
T28081  #SGR24LB – 13th St Over NS Railway (Fed ID 21663) – Superstr Rep 
123118  #SGR23LP – Roanoke – Primary Extension – ADA 

5. New SMART SCALE Round 5 Priority Projects Which are Now Funded 

UPC  Project Name/Description 
T27840  #SMART24 – Electric Road Pedestrian Signal Improvements 
T27847  #SMART24 – Rte. 419/Electric Rd. Safety Improvements, Stoneybrook to Grandin Rd. Ext. 
T27875  #SMART24 – Roundabout at Hardy Road & Bypass Road (Rte. 24) 
T27867  #SMART24 – I-581/U.S. 460/U.S. 11 Improvements 
T27836  #SMART24 – STARS 460/Orange Ave. – 11th to 24th Improvements 
T27834  #SMART24 – STARS/ 460/Orange Ave. – Plantation Rd. Improvements 

6.New Transit Priority Projects Which are Now Funded

UPC  Project Name
Project Name/Description 
GRT0001 Operating Assistance Operating assistance for all Valley Metro fixed route, SmartWay, Express, Connector, and trolley services.
GRT0002 Preventative Maintenance Maintenance to keep vehicles/equipment running smoothly.
GRT0003 Replacement Bus Fixed-route buses and paratransit service vehicles utilized by RADAR under contract to Valley Metro.
GRT0004 Support Vehicles These are vehicles used by supervisors, dispatch, maintenance, admin, etc. that support the service but don’t carry passengers.
GRT0005 Bus Stop Enhancements Bus stop amenities may include trashcans, lights, benches, or shelters. The specific stops have not been identified.
GRT0006 Construction Maintenance Service Lot A construction maintenance service lot designed for vehicles, equipment, and other maintenance related activities at Valley Metro.
GRT0007 ADP Hardware Purchase of Automated Data Processing software of administrative purposes at Valley Metro.
GRT0008 Shop Equipment Equipment used to maintain buses and non-bus support vehicles.
GRT0009 Electric Charging Infrastructure Electric charging stations and equipment designed to accommodate future electric bus purchases.
ROA0001 Capital Assistance Operating assistance for Via Transportation, Inc. under contract with Roanoke County to provide on-demand transit services for Roanoke County residents 70+ or of any age with a disability.

7. Remove RADAR Paratransit Vehicles Project from Priority Projects to Pursue and Funded Projects List

UPC Project Name Project Description
RAD0001 Paratransit Vehicles Capital assistance to support transportation for people with disabilities in the City of Roanoke, City of Salem, and the Town of Vinton beyond the 3/4-mile area around fixed routes to destinations within those localities.

A 14-day public comment period began on Thursday, November 9th and will conclude Wednesday, November 22nd. A public hearing on this amendment has been advertised and scheduled for the RVTPO Policy Board meeting on December 14th.