TPO Name Change Resolution 09-25-2014 – small (Resolution establishing that the RVAMPO should be commonly referred to as the RVTPO)
It has been observed that the term Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) does not directly communicate the transportation planning focus and role of the MPO to the public at large. Therefore, the RVAMPO Policy Board decided that henceforth the RVAMPO should be commonly referred to as the Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization (RVTPO). The use of RVTPO more clearly communicates the purpose and role of the body. The official name for contracts, agreements and memorandums of understanding (MOUs) will remain the RVAMPO. For day-to-day planning activities, plans and routine matters facing the public, we will henceforth refer to ourselves as the RVTPO. Please bear with us as we make the transition over the next several months. The Policy Board did not want us to go through undue extra expense in this transition. So we will be gradually transitioning letterhead and other items as our stock is used up and replaced.
You can think of RVTPO as a friendly nickname that makes us more personable. Instead of going by William we are now going by Bill by way of analogy.