The Federal Team reviewing the Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization wants to hear from YOU. However, due to the COVID-19 emergency, the public meeting has been cancelled.
Please provide your input through the survey link below.
The Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization (RVTPO) is responsible for planning the Roanoke Valley’s future transportation system and programming funds to fulfill that vision. The RVTPO’s work is primarily funded by the federal government which reviews regulatory compliance every four years. The Federal Team will consider public input to assess the quality, effectiveness, and any areas of concern on the RVTPO’s performance-based multimodal transportation planning and programming process.
This survey will remain open until April 10, 2020. If the survey does not appear below, please use the weblink:
The RVTPO and the Federal Team appreciate your input!
If you need assistance with this survey, please email or leave a message at (540) 343-4417. Due to COVID-19, we are not in the office but will get back to you promptly.
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